As the real estate marketing sphere is ever-changing so you need to change your strategies to generate high-quality leads. What could be better than real estate marketing videos? Consumers are much more likely to engage with videos by liking, commenting on, or sharing them. As such, more and more real estate agents are using real […]

Are you using your email for everything? You wouldn’t buy a multifunction cleaner that cleanses your room, dishes, and toilet, would you? Originally, we had appointed email for one simple job, and now it’s the all-purpose handyman living with us, delivering any odd jobs late into the night. Be with me and learn how to […]

Managing customer retention is an incredibly important part of growing a sustainable business. It matters because it helps you understand how loyal and satisfied your customers are, how good your products and customer service is, and what are the areas you need to improve upon to retain and regain your customers. Keeping your current customers […]
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